Experience the joy of giving


Living Water ministry started by faith, is run by faith, and supported by prayer and financial donations. We are thankful for your prayers – we know prayer is power. If you feel impressed to support the work of Living Water ministry financially, please click the donation button, or use the provided bank-information:

Account-number: 05400857263

IBAN-number: NO0305400857263


Name and address of bank: DNB (Den Norske Bank), Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 OSLO, NORWAY

Bank-account holder: Stiftelsen Levende Vann (Living Water Ministry), Daniel and Silvia Pel, Bølbekkvegen 8, 2863 Vestsida, Norway.

A generous person will prosper;
    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25